Best for all sorts of picky bottom-feeding tropical fish, such as plecos, corydoras catfish, freshwater stingrays, tetraodons, bichirs, and catfish
Best for a variety of tropical fish, discus, dwarf cichlid, angelfish and more
Best for Asian arowana (dragonfish), flowerhorn cichlids, blood parrot cichlids, carnivorous cichlids and all kinds of large tropical fish
Best for picky aquatic turtles such as Brazil turtles, pig-nosed turtles, and razor-back turtles
Best for all kinds of goldfish, including Japanese ranchu, tosakin, ryukin and oranda, as well as koi carp fingerlings
Best for picky tropical saltwater fish—Butterflyfish, Angelfish, Tangs, Wrasses—that have difficulty acclimatizing to feeds
Best for precious purebred guppies, swordtail fish, molly fish and other small ovoviviparous fish
It is suitable to be the staple food for crystal shrimp, caridina, and various small ornamental shrimps.