
Breeding records of blue rainbowfish

#Bluerainbowfish Lake Kutubu rainbowfish (Melanotaenia lacustris)

We feed them our Ultra Fresh Tropical Excellent Bits. During their growth they always seem to be swimming in the tank with great energy, and recently they have even started mating and spawning!

[ TROPICAL - excellent bits ]

▸ All-natural protein from fresh meat, vegetables and seaweed

▸ 60% Wild sword prawns + squid

▸ 6% Natural spirulina + seaweeds

▸ 0% Additives, artificial colors or byproducts

#amazon #fishfeed #Aquarium #aqua #SwordPrawn #UltraFresh

#Discus #Angelfish #DwarfCichlids #Pterophyllumaitum